The Lost Abbey Lost and Found 750ml

The Lost Abbey Lost and Found 750ml

A life worth living is full of discovery and we are reminded everywhere there is opportunity. All it takes is desire to seek out and find these things, these moments and everything in between. We brewed Lost and Found Abbey Ale to pay homage to the great monastic breweries of Belgium. Like us, we hope you’ll take the time to discover a beer that breathes aromas of figs, raisins and candied fruits. Please join us by raising your glass as we offer a toast to patience, perseverance, and all the things we have lost along the way and were somehow lucky enough to find once again.

  • The recipient must be 21 years of age or above and present photo identification upon delivery. If recipient is found to be under 21 years of age, the order will be returned to us, and NO refund will be given.
  • We are NOT allowed to ship to PO boxes or APO addresses. Any orders with PO box or APO address will be canceled.
  • Items may be removed from original packaging to insure safe shipping.
  • NOTE: This item is not eligible for return.

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The Lost Abbey Lost and Found 750ml

Regular price $10.79
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A life worth living is full of discovery and we are reminded everywhere there is opportunity. All it takes is desire to seek out and find these things, these moments and everything in between. We brewed Lost and Found Abbey Ale to pay homage to the great monastic breweries of Belgium. Like us, we hope you’ll take the time to discover a beer that breathes aromas of figs, raisins and candied fruits. Please join us by raising your glass as we offer a toast to patience, perseverance, and all the things we have lost along the way and were somehow lucky enough to find once again.

  • The recipient must be 21 years of age or above and present photo identification upon delivery. If recipient is found to be under 21 years of age, the order will be returned to us, and NO refund will be given.
  • We are NOT allowed to ship to PO boxes or APO addresses. Any orders with PO box or APO address will be canceled.
  • Items may be removed from original packaging to insure safe shipping.
  • NOTE: This item is not eligible for return.

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