Cigar City

Buy Cigar City Beer Here at Craft City

Any enthusiastic beer consumer that is looking for a good drink should look no further than Cigar City Beer. Cigar City Beer was founded by Joey Redner in 2007. Joey Redner was so passionate about his hometown of Tampa, Florida that he decided to set up his brewery there to allow people to experience the great taste of Florida inspired beers. After teaming up with Wayne Wambles, a master beer craftsmen, the two set off on their culinary adventure. The first public available batch of Cigar City Beer was available by January 30, 2009. Since it’s beginning,

Cigar City Brewing

Cigar City Beers have become a popular brewery due to their dedication to the quality of the products that they produce, making sure that each batch is consistent and delivers the best sensual experience possible. The company is mainly known for its Indian pale ales. Their top products include Jai Alai, Florida Man, and Fancy Papers. Although they are based in Florida, people all over the world can enjoy the taste of Cigar City Beer through Craft City’s craft beer shipping services. Log on to to their shop by style’ page, load Cigar City Beer products to a cart, pay and check out. Enjoying the taste of a good beer has never been simpler.