Elysian Beer
Elysian Brewing Company is one with a history of both tradition and innovation in the market. Founded in 1996 on Seattle, from where it continues to operate to this day; Elysium Beers have proved their longstanding quality by providing over 500 unique different flavors since its inception, and by being a multiple time winner of the Great American Beer Festival.
Elysian Brewing
The Elysian Beers lineup currently includes traditional beers and ales in their year-round selection. But has also become famous due to their dedication to innovative flavors while using traditional methods, as is the case of their Superfuzz and Cake Topper drinks. However by far their most notorious and famous selection are their Pumpkin Beers, seasonal releases that brew the ale with pumpkins, giving them an unique flavor and punch that is then also combined with other ingredients to provide a line-up of well over 6 completely unique Pumpkin-based beers all their customers look forward to every year.