Cascade Black Cap Raspberry 750ml

Cascade Black Cap Raspberry 750ml

This NW style sour blond ale was barrel aged for 28 months before spending an additional two months on 300+ pounds of Black Cap raspberries: think Nouveau Boujoulais with blackberries. Vinous then sweet aromas of tart blackberries are the first to be noticed. Sharp, acidic notes of tart berries and leather on the palate lead to a sharp, dark berry presence and a finish with a prolonged dry fruit note. This limited draft-only offering is a blender favorite.

  • The recipient must be 21 years of age or above and present photo identification upon delivery. If recipient is found to be under 21 years of age, the order will be returned to us, and NO refund will be given.
  • We are NOT allowed to ship to PO boxes or APO addresses. Any orders with PO box or APO address will be canceled.
  • Items may be removed from original packaging to insure safe shipping.
  • NOTE: This item is not eligible for return.

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Cascade Black Cap Raspberry 750ml

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This NW style sour blond ale was barrel aged for 28 months before spending an additional two months on 300+ pounds of Black Cap raspberries: think Nouveau Boujoulais with blackberries. Vinous then sweet aromas of tart blackberries are the first to be noticed. Sharp, acidic notes of tart berries and leather on the palate lead to a sharp, dark berry presence and a finish with a prolonged dry fruit note. This limited draft-only offering is a blender favorite.

  • The recipient must be 21 years of age or above and present photo identification upon delivery. If recipient is found to be under 21 years of age, the order will be returned to us, and NO refund will be given.
  • We are NOT allowed to ship to PO boxes or APO addresses. Any orders with PO box or APO address will be canceled.
  • Items may be removed from original packaging to insure safe shipping.
  • NOTE: This item is not eligible for return.

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